Climate Change Changing the Color of the Oceans

In this link, here National Geographic talks about how certain phytoplankton (more commonly known as algae) may change the color of the oceans if Global Warming continues unchecked. In that article, and several more that I read, blue regions, such as the subtropics, will become even more blue, as a result of less phytoplankton, Ocean water that is currently greener, such as water that is near the poles, may turn even more green, due to warmer temperatures creating larger blooms of more diverse phytoplankton. Phytoplankton in the ocean are making the colors more vibrant . One study says that more than 50 percent of the ocean water will experience the change in color by the year 2100. Even though this is a big problem and a warning of more problems to come, I kind of think this would be cool to see, though I don't want to pay such a big price for it. If some of the oceans now are such brilliant shades of blue and green, what would it look like if th...